Tuesday, 30 March 2021

A Beautiful Evening Students!

 I hope you are enjoying the warm weather this afternoon, even if it's for a short time!  A reminder that with it being a short week, we will do our W.W. Quiz on Thursday. As well, I have put some cool measurement games on the Grade 2/3 workspace that you can try! Remember that they are in the 4th column. 

Enjoy your evening!

Mr. D:)

Friday, 26 March 2021

10 Days until Easter

 ...and there are lots of Good Deeds you can do at school and at home starting now and during Holy Week! Remember that Holy Week in a few days on Palm Sunday.:)

Have a great weekend class!

Mr. D

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Red and Black Day Tomorrow

 Dear Grade 3s and 2s,

Don't forget to show off your Red and Black school colours tomorrow! A reminder that you can access the March Homework calendar on Hapara Workspace. I'll see you all tomorrow:)


Mr. D:)

Monday, 22 March 2021

Enjoying the Weather?

 I hope you are enjoying the weather. Sunny and warm weather in March is a real treat for all of us!


Next Monday on March 29th, we will be doing our school photos. Right now we are scheduled to go at 11:30. This could change, and I will let you know if it does. 


While the snow and ice on the field has done a lot of melting, it is still very wet and extremely muddy. Please remember to continue bring your boots and snow/splash pants to school:)

Have a great evening!

Mr. D:)

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Agenda and PJ Day

We were having so much fun playing (and winning) BINGO last block that we didn't get to do our agendas!

Here are our agenda items:

1) PJ Day Tomorrow

2) W.W. Quiz

3)  Remember to write down a good funny joke you know, and bring it to school:)

I hope you enjoyed our Science Experiments today! We will discuss the results tomorrow. Have a great evening, students!


Mr. D:)

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Hey! Hey! What a fun St. Paddy's Day!

 Dear Grade 2s and 3s,

I hope you enjoyed dancing the jigs, our winter carnival sports activities and the scavenger hunt. We earned lots of points with our new class cheer too!

Don't forget that tomorrow is Tie Dye day. As an alternative, wear a colourful shirt! 

Have a great evening:)

Mr. D:)


Sunday, 14 March 2021

"Broken" March Break Special Events Schedule

 The Schedule: 

Mon Mar 15

Tues Mar 16

Wed Mar 17

Thurs Mar 18

Fri Mar 19


(for outdoor activities)

1 & 2

St. Paddy’s Day Craft

2/3 & 4

Our class goes today

5 & 6



Pattern day

Look-Alike day*

St. Patrick's

 Day - Wear GREEN

Tie Dye Day



Movie Day



Primary  Kahoot! 

& Junior Kahoot!

St. Patrick’s Day Craft

1st Block

Mr. D’s 10/10 Day Celebration


Shamrock Scavenger


Whole School 


Points Reward (Extra Recess)

Thursday, 11 March 2021

 Good Afternoon Grade 3 and 2!

I hope you enjoyed “Spring in March” today.


We have done a “relaunch” of our monthly homework, and we are now working on our March Homework calendar which you can get to by Hapara Workspace. Some students were having difficulty accessing last night’s Math homework. I have done an update to "permissions," and you should now be able to access the document for Wed. March. 10th by clicking the link. 


March 15th to March 22nd

Winter Carnival Week (details to follow)

March 17th

Mr. D’s 10/10 St. Patrick’s Fun Day: Wear Green:)

March 29th and 30th

Photo Day (Details will Follow)


Please make sure you are still bringing your snow pants/splash pants, winter coats and boots. The field is still covered in snow and is also very wet. As well, more regular March weather is coming soon. You want to be prepared for different types of weather. 


Please remember to take home your water bottle and return it to school each day. The water fountains continue to be closed except for filling them up


We are still looking for a Liquid Pair of black snow pants,

size 7-8. The student and his family would appreciate getting them back. Please take a look to see if you have mistakenly have picked up an extra pair of snow pants.


  1. Which season are we in right now?

  1. Spring

  2. Summer

  3. WInter

      2.  What is something that we use negative (-) numbers for?

  1. Distance (how far something is)

  2. Temperature (how warm or cold it is)

  3. Height (how tall something is)

3. In a Math problem, whick question usually means you need to use subtraction?

  1. What is the total?

  2. How many are there altogether?

  3. How many are left?

4. Which country is in the United Kingdom?

  1. Canada

  2. England

  3. Italy

5. Which kind of story has a moral?

  1. legend

  2. fable

  3. adventure

Mr. D:)

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Starting your March Homework Tonight:)

 Dear Students and Parents,

Today we relaunch our monthly `Calendar Homework. (We took a break from it when we were doing Virtual Learning in January and to give you time to adjust to being back at school in February.)

Here is a reminder of how to get into the Monthly homework:

  1. Login to Hapara workspace (you will see it on this blog.)

  1. Click the workspace that says Grade 2 Monthly Homework Calendars for Grade 2, or Grade 3 Monthly Homework Calendars for Grade 3.

  1. In the second column under `Homework Calendars` the first one you will see is March Homework; click the Google Doc and you will see the calendar. 

  1. Tonight's homework for Wednesday, March 9th is Math Exercise 1. For this one you will need to print a copy of the page, complete it and then email it to me when you are done. (You can also copy out the questions on lined paper, do the questions and send it to me that way if you don't have a printer.)

        Tonight is a review of addition with regrouping (trading) . Sometimes when students are doing subtraction in class they can mix it up with addition. Remember that with adding we sometimes need to regroup (trade because we have too many ones or tens.) Here is a video reviewing it.


Remember that with the calendar you can plan ahead and do exercises earlier. 

Have a great night!

Mr. D:)

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Red and Black Spirit Day Tomorrow and Popcorn

Dear Students,

I hope that you enjoyed the sunshine today when we did our outdoor gym! 

There are two reminders: 

1) Tomorrow is Red and Black Spirit Day. Show your school pride!

2) Please bring your popcorn orders in tomorrow if you are interested. 

Have a great evening!

Mr. D:)

Monday, 8 March 2021

Happy Monday Grade 2s and 3s!

 Dear Students, 

I hope you had a great start to the week! 

We all definitely miss Colton. He and his family will appreciate all of your prayers, thoughts and well-wishes as he recovers from his injury. Thank you for the great Get Well cards you worked on Friday. If you have not given me your card or completed it, you can hand one in to Mr. D and I will make sure he gets the virtual version of the card. Get Well Soon Colton!

Today you got your first chance to try double-digit subtraction with borrowing. You did well for a first lesson! Remember not to get discouraged if you don't completely understand it right away. It often takes a few lessons and practice to learn it. Here is a song you can view to help you with the concept:


Don't forget that we will be doing popcorn orders again this week. Here is the link to the letter:


Finally, I hope that you enjoyed your first day of "Blues in the Schools" today. Mr. D will be practising his Blues on the guitar and harmonica this week for sure!

Have a great evening!

Mr. D:)

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Spirit Day Tomorrow!

 Dear Grade 2s and 3s, 

Don't forget to wear Red or Black for tomorrow's spirit day as we do each Wednesday. 

Try out these interactive games which will help you to learn more about Forces, Movement and Simple machines!: 

GR. 2


 GR. 3


Remember to show your parents your quiz book, do your corrections and ask them to initial it. 

See you tomorrow!

Mr. D:)

Monday, 1 March 2021

Happy March!

 Dear Students, 

Can you believe that we are into the month of March alreay? That means that Spring will be here soon!

Mr. D forgot to tell you the award you will receive for getting earning your first "10 out 10" day. I'll let you know tomorrow. 

I wanted to remind you that if you did not copy all of the Words of the Week, you can get the rest here (on the Blog.) As well, remember that this Friday the last final day for our food drive.

Today we began doing multiple-digit subtraction. Here is an interactive games you can play to help practise your basic subtraction facts.


Have a greeeeeeaaaat evening!

Mr. D:)

Have a great summer Grade 2s and 3s!

    Dear Students, Thank you for sharing your awesome talent with Mr. D and the class. Thank you as well for making it a great last day toge...