Thursday 11 March 2021

 Good Afternoon Grade 3 and 2!

I hope you enjoyed “Spring in March” today.


We have done a “relaunch” of our monthly homework, and we are now working on our March Homework calendar which you can get to by Hapara Workspace. Some students were having difficulty accessing last night’s Math homework. I have done an update to "permissions," and you should now be able to access the document for Wed. March. 10th by clicking the link. 


March 15th to March 22nd

Winter Carnival Week (details to follow)

March 17th

Mr. D’s 10/10 St. Patrick’s Fun Day: Wear Green:)

March 29th and 30th

Photo Day (Details will Follow)


Please make sure you are still bringing your snow pants/splash pants, winter coats and boots. The field is still covered in snow and is also very wet. As well, more regular March weather is coming soon. You want to be prepared for different types of weather. 


Please remember to take home your water bottle and return it to school each day. The water fountains continue to be closed except for filling them up


We are still looking for a Liquid Pair of black snow pants,

size 7-8. The student and his family would appreciate getting them back. Please take a look to see if you have mistakenly have picked up an extra pair of snow pants.


  1. Which season are we in right now?

  1. Spring

  2. Summer

  3. WInter

      2.  What is something that we use negative (-) numbers for?

  1. Distance (how far something is)

  2. Temperature (how warm or cold it is)

  3. Height (how tall something is)

3. In a Math problem, whick question usually means you need to use subtraction?

  1. What is the total?

  2. How many are there altogether?

  3. How many are left?

4. Which country is in the United Kingdom?

  1. Canada

  2. England

  3. Italy

5. Which kind of story has a moral?

  1. legend

  2. fable

  3. adventure

Mr. D:)

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Have a great summer Grade 2s and 3s!

    Dear Students, Thank you for sharing your awesome talent with Mr. D and the class. Thank you as well for making it a great last day toge...