Dear Grade 2s and 3s,
Welcome back to another week in your new class! I hope you enjoyed our Jokes of the Week, Math Baseball and our new outdoor gym game called "4 lines!"
You will remember that I asked you to "Brainstorm" a list of ideas about how we could create a classroom in which we could stay safe and learn well at the same time. We did this so that we could come up with a list of rules or "Class Do's" we could remember.Your ideas were outstanding and were all very helpful. I knew it would be hard to remember 20 different rules, so I combined them into 7 Class Do's that I am sure will help you learn. Here they are:
1. We make safe choices always including:
2. We treat others kindly W.W.J.D (What would Jesus do?)
3. We help to create a quiet and positive work area where everyone can learn.
4. We use good manners including listening politely when others speak.
5. We keep our hands and feet to ourselves.
6. We respect our class/school environment.
7. We always try our best and never give up.
Your homework tonight is to read over the list of Class Do's to become familiar with them. Tomorrow, we will discuss and review them. Well done, Grade 2s and 3s!
Mr. D:)
PS. The Raptors tried very hard but lost to the Celtics on Friday night. Now Mr. D can focus on cheering for his Blue Jays!