Thursday 10 September 2020

A Great Day and First Week Quiz Version # 3

Dear Students,

I hope you enjoyed yet another day in your new class. Mr. D can’t believe it’s almost the end of the our first week together! I hope that you enjoyed our new “Shipwreck” outdoor game and “Exit Math."

Here is the final “First Week” quiz.

1. The Toronto Raptors beat the Boston Celtics:

A. In overtime

B. In double overtime

C. In regular time. 

2. Mr. D’s nephew who goes to an outdoor school lives in:

A. Toronto

B. Winnipeg

C. Vancouver Island

3. This is the name of one of Mr. D's favourite books: 

A. Lord of the Rings

B. Harry Potter

C. Curious George

4. This is the prayer that we began the day with today:

A. The Our Father

B. The Hail Mary

C. The Lunchtime Prayer

5. We can use our class “Safe Place” when it becomes difficult to learn because of how we are feeling. Which feelings zone is it best to be in for learning?

A. The Yellow Zone

B. The Green Zone 

C. The Blue Zone


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Have a great summer Grade 2s and 3s!

    Dear Students, Thank you for sharing your awesome talent with Mr. D and the class. Thank you as well for making it a great last day toge...